Izzy Christie
under the shallow / the tempered porcelain
below the wave / waits the rubber duck
emulsified into congealed butter / i am at the dish pit
with some czech boy who lives with his drug dealer.
while we talk about language and
“getting the fuck out of welling-ton!”
he’s flying off to south-east asia / during the rainy season
he’ll leave me here in the back of the kitchen
humming show-tunes / watching the analogue clock tick
i’ll think about him / because i must lose myself to get through the day
while the tap drips / he sits
under some palm tarp / as it / is pummelled by the rain.
Isobel Christie is a writer, actor and creative based in Te Whanganui a Tara who is studying English Literature, Theatre and Creative Writing. She writes from an intuitive place informed by a love of puzzles, improvisation and a pervasive passion for other human’s lives. She is currently working on her first novel.