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Ruaputahanga Takiari

Words by: Ruaputahanga Takiari (She/her - Waikato/Tainui, Ngaati Maniapoto, Ngaati Raarua)

7AM — 7 degrees and a southerly. 

Hauling books, bags and rewards is a daily occurrence.

The morning consists of marking worksheets and hurrying around the room

attentively preparing before school activities to nurture their students.

Building a class of lifelong learners.

Constant movement around the classroom causes

warm hands to turn on the radiator 

cold dark room brightened by mana.

Our first unconditional supporter geared with

adaptable teaching styles to help us reach our true potential.

Reward stickers on your work to encourage your curiosity and

constructive comments to help you excel.

All the extra money spent on whiteboard pens and shared lunches.

Time spent after school on sharpening pencils, making powerpoint presentations and laminating

along with guidance given in all aspects of life.

I realise now they were more than a teacher

an aunty, an uncle, a friend.

Te whakamāoritanga

Ko te whitu karaka i te ata, e whitu tīkiri me he hau tonga. 

Ka haoa ngā pukapuka, ngā pēke me ngā momoho i ia rā

Hei tēnei ata ka māka pukamahi, ka whāwhai huri i te rūma

E whakarite pīkari ana i mua i ngā mahi a te kura hei poipoi i ā rātou tauira

E whakatipu ana i tētahi rāngai tauira taumano

He nui nō ngā nekehanga i te karaehe e whakakāngia ai te [radiator] e te ringa mahana

He rūma makariri, pōuriuri kua toarihia i te mana

Tō mātou kaitautoko here kore tuatahi me

ōna tāera whakaako urutau hei āwhina i a mātou ki te whakatinana i te pito mata ake nō mātou

Ko ngā tohu momoho i runga ngā mahi hei whakakipakipa i a manawareka me

ngā kupu āwhina hei āwhina i a koe ki te eke panuku.

Katoa ngā moni āpiti i whakapauhia ki ngā pene papa mā me ngā tina whānui. 

Ko te wā i whakapauhia i muri i te kura ki te whakakoi pene rākau, te whakarite whakaaturanga, te mahi tāpatu, me ngā kupu tohutohu i tukuna i ngā āhuatanga katoa o te ao mārama.

Kua mārama, ehara rātou i te kaiako anake, he whaea kēkē, he matua kēkē, he hoa.

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