Ngāti Whātua, Ngāpuhi-Ngāti Hine, Tūhoe
Over last weekend Ngāi Tauira (NT) held Pūrangiaho. Sterling Maxwell, Ngāi Tauira’s Tumuaki Takirua, told Salient: “Pūrangiaho was a great success this year that brought together our tuakana and teina to learn about the hītori of our marae, as well as our rōpū and to get to know one another! With the Living Pā set to open at the end of the year and our Marae to be re-awoken, it is more prudent than ever to ensure that tauira are geared with the knowledge of everything it has taken for us to get to this point.”
On Friday the event started in the evening, and had tuakana and teina split into two rōpū, each group focused on different kōrero. Ngā teina had a kōrero from Rhonda Thomson (Pou Hapai Senior Adviser, and Co-project manager of the Living Pā/ PVC Māori/Iwi Studies), and the NT executive gave the ‘ko wai mātou?” or “who is NT?” kōrero.
Tuakana had wānanga time with pātai such as “How do you think the culture of Ngāi Tauira could improve?”, “What makes you feel supported as a tuakana?”, “What can we do to increase engagement with tuakana?”, “What are the values on Ngāi Tauira, are we showing them?”, and “What would you like to see an emphasis on this year?”. The kōrero largely focuses on suggestions, and coming together like a whānau.
Both rōpū had plenty of kai for dinner, and had the option to attend the Hurricanes vs. Waratahs game afterwards for further whakawhanaungatanga.
Tuakana and teina came together for a full day on Saturday running from 9:30am-6pm. The day began with a discussion focused on hītori of Te Kawa a Māui and the Living Pā, as well as Māori activism and presence at the uni. We had haka practice followed by kai for lunch. Then came the Amazing Race, where people were sorted into rōpū to help facilitate whakawhanaungatanga. Lastly NT held a study wā, with more kai provided for dinner.
When asked about specific highlights of the weekend, Sterling foregrounded “the wānanga session with our tuakana, our guest speaker, Rhonda Thompson, the amazing race, and all the beautiful kai prepared by our Stallions whānau!”